Igor Kromin |   Consultant. Coder. Blogger. Tinkerer. Gamer.

I've noticed that on my Mac the RzUpdater process has been consuming a very high amount of CPU for long stretches at a time. Every instance this happened, I had to manually kill that process, but it would get started by macOS again shortly after. This seemed to happen when there was no network connectivity so I am guessing that RzUpdater tries to check for updates to the software and locks up when it can't make an Internet connection. Bad design, so here's how you make sure that process doesn't start in the first place.

First in the Activity Monitor app you have to find the RzUpdater process, click it and then click the round X button, 'Force process to quit', to kill the process.

Next you have to delete the com.razer.rzupdater.plist file in the /Library/LaunchAgents directory. To do that type in the following command into the Terminal app:
 Terminal command
sudo rm /Library/LaunchAgents/com.razer.rzupdater.plist

The above command will ask you to type in your password before it will delete the file.

Now you can restart your Mac and the RzUpdater process will not bother you again.


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