Igor Kromin |   Consultant. Coder. Blogger. Tinkerer. Gamer.

I've been using Twitter Bootstrap quite a bit lately and am quite amazed how easy it makes to create good looking web pages, so I thought that I would update the theme on my blog to match it. I found out the hard way that Flatpress is not Bootstrap friendly at all and requires many hacks and edits to make it look right.

After spending almost a full day on it, I've managed to get the blog looking more or less right on the public facing pages. The admin pages are still a complete mess, but I'll be slowly working through those as well. Maybe eventually I will release a whole set of 'bootstrap happy' Flatpress pages.

However, I still think the new look has been worth the effort and I highly rate Bootstrap.


A quick disclaimer...

Although I put in a great effort into researching all the topics I cover, mistakes can happen. Use of any information from my blog posts should be at own risk and I do not hold any liability towards any information misuse or damages caused by following any of my posts.

All content and opinions expressed on this Blog are my own and do not represent the opinions of my employer (Oracle). Use of any information contained in this blog post/article is subject to this disclaimer.
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NOTE: (2022) This Blog is no longer maintained and I will not be answering any emails or comments.

I am now focusing on Atari Gamer.