Igor Kromin |   Consultant. Coder. Blogger. Tinkerer. Gamer.

Octotree is an awesome browser extension that makes looking through Git repositories a breeze. It adds a vertical side bar that provides a file system view of whatever Git project you happen to be looking at. It works both on GitHub and GitLab, or at least used to. Recently I found that some features in GitLab stopped working while Octotree is enabled. Namely the Issue Boards do not load as expected.

This is what Octotree typically looks like, it's neat!

Going over to the Issues, then Boards page renders no content however...

Reloading the page does load Boards properly. Disabling Octotree also allows Boards to load as usual.

I logged a couple of issues for this problem. First over at GitLab before I knew it was an Octotree problem, then over at the Octotree GitHub Repository. As it stands now we may have to wait until GitLab integrates Octotree as a default before this all works again.

FYI this was with Octotree 2.0.17 running in Safari 10.0.3 on macOS Sierra 10.12.3.


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